Saturday, 21 January 2017

'The Bronze Palette' - Real versus Fake


Today I wanted to write a comparison post where I compare the differences between the real and fake Kylie Cosmetics 'The Bronze Palette'. It wasn't until recently that I was suckered into the Kylie Cosmetic hype, and it was only because Christmas was approaching and Mum wanted to purchase some 'real' make up for me. I was previously a die hard fake palette fan - never had any issues with them skin wise. Recently though with y two jobs I am better able to support my addiction and have been replacing my fake palettes with the real versions. One of which is 'The Bronze Palette' by Kylie Jenner.

Photo of both palettes (Left: Fake, Right: Real)

Photo of both palettes (Left: Fake, Right: Real)

The Fake Palette

I purchased this palette off of eBay in August and it arrived roughly a month or so later on my doorstep all safe and unsmashed. Without comparing it to the real version, I was very impressed with the palette.   The three main differences I noticed were the size, colours of the stickers on the back, colours of the graphics in the front and shade names.

Photo of the front of the 'fake' palette (above)

Photo of the inside of the 'fake' palette (above)

Photo of the back of the 'fake' palette (above)

Swatches of the 'fake' palette (above)

The Real Palette

This palette was purchased from the Kylie Cosmetics website for me for Christmas (2016) and arrived  unscathed in time for it to be wrapped and left under the tree. This palette was impressive in terms of front graphics but otherwise seemed quite small. Once I recieved this I was able to compare my 'fake' to my 'real' and it was obvious that there were differences, namely in size, colours of stickers on the back, colours of the graphics in the front and shade names.


Photo of the front of the 'real' palette (above)
Photo of the inside of the 'real' palette (above)

Photo of the back of the 'real' palette (above)

Swatches of the 'real' palette (above)

Comparison of the two palettes

When I received the real palette there were obvious differences between the two, the first very noticeable difference being that the original is roughly half a centimeter smaller in both height and width. Both palettes dimensions are therefore in proportion to their own size and neither when separated look out of whack.

 The second difference that was blatantly obvious is that the fake palette has a gold sticker on the back  while the real has a silver. Plus the real palette has a authentication code, while the fake does not. This is when the detail of the sticker becomes obvious(pictured below) ; the shade names are backwards when arranged on the palette. The real palette details from left to right, top row to bottom; Jasper, Quartz, Topaz, Goldstone, Citrine, Tiger eye, Hematite, Bronzite and obsidian. Where as the fake details from left to right, top row to bottom tow; Obsidian, Bronzite, Hermatite, Tiger eye, Citrine, Dolostone, Topaz, Quartz and Jasper. 

From here I noticed that the fake palette has mispelled 'Goldstone' and says 'Dolostone'.

Photo of the back of the 'fake' palette (above)

Photo of the back of the 'real palette' (above)

The next obvious difference is the front of both palettes. They both have graphics on the front of Kylies eyes with shadow dripping in place of bottom lashes. The real palette is vibrant with orange, brown and black shadow dripping from the eye graphics while the fake looks bleached of life with gold, brown and silver dripping from the eye graphics.

Photo of the front of the 'fake palette' (above)

Photo of the front of the 'real' palette (above)

Both palettes are reasonably pigmented the colours very similar and neither standing out against the other. Both palettes shadows blend out well but can be quite chalky.

Thanks for reading,

Danny xx

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